Raw Theatre or Theatre of Yes Training.

The beauty of theatre working with people at risk of social exclusion.

Sat 2nd and 3rd March 2019 At CRA'P, Barcelona, Spain


Acting Now director Marina Pallarès-Elias will present her methodology Raw Theatre for the first time in Barcelona, Spain.

In collaboration with CRA'P, she will offer a two-day workshop open to anyone in which it will be shown how by creating a provocative and emotional performance, we are able to transform the lives of people who suffer social exclusion.

Participants will discover how using Raw Theatre methodology, Physical Theatre techniques and the power of beauty as a language we can help to change stereotypes that people in situations of vulnerability are often confronted with.

Instead of developing a leafleting campaign to raise awareness of people suffering oppressive circumstances, Marina proposes the creation of an emotional performance from often hidden personal stories where the important result is collective catharsis between spectators and actors. In this work, hidden questions are answered and emotions and desires hitherto deprived of space to be shared are revealed.

We will reflect on these questions along the training sessions:
- Yet how can we create a high-quality performance with people who are not professional actors but have stories that should be shared?
- How can we use powerful performances as an axis of change?
- How can emotions be the motor for the struggle against the social oppression that many groups suffer?

Through years of creating plays with groups around the world, Marina Pallares-Elias has realized the importance of scenic quality as the axis of change to break stereotypes that people in situations of vulnerability are often confronted with. Instead of developing a leafleting campaign to raise awareness of people suffering oppressive circumstances, Marina proposes the creation of an emotional performance from often hidden personal stories where the important result is collective catharsis between spectators and actors. In this work, hidden questions are answered and emotions and desires hitherto deprived of space to be shared are revealed.
Raw means raw: raw meat, pure, frank, wounded, natural, fresh, not cooked, wild, clear and true. Raw is hard to see. Raw is not easy to find. Raw also means collective, looking at the wound for collective healing. Raw means connecting with emotions and with ourselves by taking off our daily masks and discovering our inner selves.

Book your space here.

Posted in Latest News, News.