Physical Theatre for kids - Summer term course
Mondays 3.45pm - 5pm. Twelve sessions from 16th April
St. Matthews Church, 30 St Matthew's St, Cambridge CB1 2LT
Book your space
Expression, Creativity and Body movement
After many requests from families in Cambridge, we are finally opening a GROUP FOR KIDS!
The magic of Physical Theatre is that we create whole new worlds in which we can express our emotions and stories by 'simply' using the physicality of our bodies in movement and voice.
Our drama workshops for kids are an alternative to conventional drama lessons and are based on body movement, freedom and creativity. Our main aims are to promote body awareness, self-expression and self-esteem in the participants, as well as to have a lot of fun!
DATES: Mondays 3.45 pm - 5pm. 12 weekly sessions during term time from Monday 16th VENUE: Saint Matthews Church, CB1 2LT Cambridge PRICE: £ 95 / Sibblings get a 15% discount.
Please book your space by registering in our eventbrite page. If you want to get further information please get in touch with us at: / 07879913576.