I Deserve a Better Chance

Thu 12th and Sat 14th April 2018 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm 

Whatch the performance:


'I Deserve a Better Chance' pictures a mosaic of personal experiences where actors take us to a past moment of their lives when everything changed drastically. All stories are based in participants' true facts and have gone through a process of collective imagination and creation. With great honesty and courage, participants share their reflections about their own challenges and existence while they claim a better chance, all seen through the powerful lens of Physical Theatre language.

This work is the result of 6 months of weekly sessions where participants have been dreaming and growing together whilst creating a play collectively.

The group started in 2015 as a project aimed at people with and without mental health challenges in which devising a Physical Theatre play was both the ultimate goal and also the path for engaging with each other, developing skills and improving their self-esteem.

Making Changes created two other plays in the past and performed in different venues in Cambridge such as ADC Corpus Playroom, where they performed the heart-breaking "Keep Holding My Hand", in which actors portrayed their own stories around suffering mental health challenges realistically.

Join us for a powerful performance and contribute to the continuity of the drama group.

Publicado en Latest News, News, Past Performances, Social Performances Marina, Theatre Director.