Tómame de la Mano (Take My Hand)

Tómame de la Mano (Take My Hand)

Date: Friday 28th June 2019 at 3 pm
Place: Foro La Nabe, Dr José Maria Vertiz 86, Doctores, 07060 Mexico City, CDMX

Tómame de la Mano (Take My Hand) is a collection of personal stories about overcoming difficult situations, empowerment and appreciation of life.

Directed by Marina Pallares-Elias, this piece is the result of an intensive three-week project working with elderly people in Mexico City, as part of an artist residency project funded by Iberescena-Foro La NaBe.

Using Marina’s own methodology, Raw Theatre or Theatre of Yes, the group has devised a provocative and emotional performance that talks about their own experiences and breathes life into the important social challenges facing participants and audiences alike.

After many years working with various communities and groups around the world, Marina has developed her very own theatre methodology to work with people who are not professional actors but have important stories that should be shared.


POLYPHONIC II - A home the size of our planet

Date: Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th May 2019 at 7 pm

Place: Small Studio, Homerton College (Mary Allan Building) 184 Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 8P


Polyphonic II - A Home The Size of Our Planet, is the second community theatre production commissioned by the MEITS Research Project with the aim to bring stories of everyday multilingual lives to a wider audience. This play is the result of a 6-month project working with individuals drawn from a dozen linguistic backgrounds to explore how speaking more than one language and living in a foreign country affects their lives.

Our first play, Polyphonic, was performed in October 2018 as part of the Festival of Ideas (Cambridge). Please visit these links to see a trailer and the full length performance

Book your free tickets before it's too late, spaces are limited!

Tickets are limited due to seating capacity at the venue.  If you book a ticket then realise that you can't make it, it would really help us out if you could release your booked tickets so that others can come.

About the project partners

The Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals Transforming Societies (MEITS) research project is a major interdisciplinary research project funded under the AHRC Open World Research Initiative. Through six interlocking research strands we investigate how the insights gained from stepping outside a single

language, culture and mode of thought are vital to individuals and societies. For more information visit www.meits.org

Acting Now and Polygon Arts are both Cambridge-based theatre companies who work with a wide variety of community groups and organisations. We put social, political and civic causes at the forefront of our work and devise creative drama projects that breathe life into the important social challenges facing participants and audiences alike. Please visit www.actingnow.co.uk and www.polygonarts.org.uk for more information.

We Will Not Stop!

We Will Not Stop!

We Will Not Stop!

Because of the sacrifice of all women before us

Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2019, at 7 pm

Place: Small Studio, Homerton College (Mary Allan Building) 184 Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 8PH

Suitable for age 8+ / FREE event but booking required as venue is limited to 40 people.  Tickets available through EventBright Tickets

‘We will not Stop!’ is the first community theatre production produced by Acting Now supported by the Dulverton Trust Fund, ESRI Charitable Fund for Cambridge and the Community Reach Fund in a bid to providing a meaningful and resilience building activity for young women locally.

The aim of the theatre project is supporting the well-being of young women by offering a platform and space where they can come together, feel listened to and express themselves in a creative way.  

What is life like for young women today? What are the challenges and pressures? How do they relate to such issues and to each other? How should they deal with perceptions and how do they, in turn, perceive? These are all questions that have been explored over a 16 week period and then dramatized, resulting in a strong and honest performance.

Acting Now is a Cambridge-based theatre company that work with a wide variety of community groups and organisations. We put social, political and civic causes at the forefront of our work and devise creative drama projects that breathe life into the important social challenges facing participants and audiences alike. Please visit www.actingnow.co.uk

We acknowledge the grant we have received from the Dulverton Trust Fund and ESRI Charitable Fu

Book your free tickets before it's too late, spaces are limited!

Tickets are limited due to seating capacity at the venue - if you book a ticket and then realise that you can't make it, it would really help us out if you could release your booked tickets so that others can come.

We Still Standing

We Still Standing
Applied Theatre play with an introduction from Rowan's music students.
Thu 25 April 6 pm @ Covent Garden Drama Studio, 58 Covent Garden CB1 2HT


We Still Standing is an original play devised by students from local charity Rowan and directed by Acting Now director Marina Pallarés-Elias. After six months of busy weekly sessions, this drama group has created a beautiful performance regarding the subjects of challenging situations, love, relationships, fear and hope.

Rowan's music students will be introducing the performances and on arrival refreshments and drinks will be available.

To show your support, pin the date down, join us, and you contribute to the continuity of the drama group!

ROWAN is a local charity and arts centre that helps improving the lives of people with learning disabilities through the provision of services and meaningful activities that improve health and wellbeing, as well as break down issues of social exclusion. They run a number of art studios one of them being dedicated for their drama group which is where all the magic happens.


At Acting Now we believe theatre is a catalyst for social change and should be for anyone and everyone, not limited by physical ability, condition, language or background. Our projects use the language of theatre with disadvantaged groups of varying abilities to enable them to find their voices in a safe and encouraging environment. Throughout the workshops, we also build social and emotional skills, self-expression and self-esteem and address the stigma attached to certain conditions. The projects culminate in original theatre performances based on the stories that emerge from the group.


Funny, moving, evocative, thought provocation.

Quite moving and has to be heard.

Amazing and inspiring!.

Impressed, moved, enjoyable, captivated.

I came without knowing what to expect. I was impressed by the organisation skills of the helpers and acting abilities of the cast.

Book your free tickets before it's too late, spaces are limited!

Tickets are limited due to seating capacity at the venue - if you book a ticket and then realise that you can't make it, it would really help us out if you could release your booked tickets so that others can come.