Acting Now rewarded at The Cambridge Children’s Charity Week

The Cambridge Children's Charity Week Annual Awards Event

21st February 2018

For the second time, Acting Now's work supporting children has been rewarded by The Cambridge Children's Charity Week Annual Awards Event. This fantastic event brings together many different communities (from business, education, faith, sport, local authority etc) of Cambridge in one room to celebrate and reward the fantastic work of local charities and voluntary groups that support children and young people that face disadvantage and live in Cambridge City.

This year Acting Now's Rose Clark represented the team to receive the award and give a brief speech about our projects working with vulnerable children in Cambridge. In Rose's words, it was a fabulous event as it wasn´t only an awards presentation, but it was also an execelent opportunity to hear about other inspirational projects and provided with useful information for organisationsa bout how to use  “community volunteering time”. Team  members can share some creative time to support some of the vital costs of charities and voluntary groups in Cambridge that help local children and young people.

If you would like to know more about how to support great projects for children in Cambridge visit

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